Monday, February 15, 2016


5th – 8th February

We were collected from our drop off point at Canarvon Dale,  by CRAIG one of the game drivers, and taken to the Quatermains Camp a short and bumpy ride away.

WOW...The Boma (Common Area) was just like the pictures we had seen, and so was our tent....only better because we were going to be staying here.

Eating Area
Cooking Area

After unpacking our gear we were too hyped up to sit around the tent for the couple of hours before lunch and our first game drive, so we went up to the Boma and SAM (the Cook) gave us bottled water and we set off on a bush walk.
We returned excited because we had spotted elephants on a hill in the distance and was sure this was a sign that there was much more to come.
KAI was our driver for our first drive and we set off with the other 2 couples at 3.30pm, heading to SHAMWARI the neighbouring Reserve. Quatermain and Canarvon Dale guests are allowed to visit Amakhala and Shamwari Reserves.

Our Tent

On Suite
Comfy Beds

Elephants surrounded the vehicle...we were going nowhere anytime soon. We sat in awe of their size and beauty, watching and photographing them eating from the bushes around us. One large elephant squeezed passed us and a bush, with only centimetres to spare. For near an hour we stayed there waiting til the area was clear enough for Kai to start the engine and move away.

Each day bought more animals and situations to get excited about. A Male Cheetah who was obviously afraid of something, walking with pace toward us, then passing by without even acknowledging we where there. As his only predator is a lion, Craig knew to look for the Lions.

A Female Cheetah and her 4 playful cubs. The cubs were of the age that mum was teaching them to hunt, so she was looking for small prey for them.

We stopped to look at a warthog half way in/out of his burrow. Suddenly the whole family exited.

 Two young giraffe were playing move over, they pushed each other with their bodies and slapped each other with their necks.

So many other exciting stories to tell. the pictures will have to do until we get home.

The 4WD
Big Bull Elephant
Kitchen Area of Camp
Black Rhino
Ready for Dinner.

King of the Beasts
King and his special Lady
White Rhino
Young Lioness
Playing Hippos

There are Hundreds more pics and some video

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Dreaming of Africa